I am a Senior Software Engineer with more than 5 years of programming experience. Over the years I have developed multiple applications which scaled to thousands of users. I love Ruby and it's wonderful community. I love open source and love to contribute to it whenever I can. I maintain a GitHub organization where I create open source projects for fun.

Senior Software Engineer at Saeloun

From March 2021 to Present

  • Working as a Senior Software Engineer as a consultant to offshore based clients Currently ActivateCare.
  • Helped build the entire Customer Data Layer at ActivateCare
  • Helped in splitting code to have different services.
  • Worked closely with the QA team and over the years have led the initiative to add multiple test frameworks (such as cucumberJS, JMeter and currently K6) for various testing needs
  • Currently working on SoA architecture with various services written in NodeJS and Ruby
  • Wrote a gem that helps in Service to Service communication using Auth0 for Ruby applications.
  • Responsible for curating and maintaining Blogs at Saeloun.

Senior Software Engineer at Avalon Meta (Presently known as Scenes By Avalon)

From May, 2019 to February, 2021

  • Led the entire Development team to build the entire backend and mobile app for AvalonMeta and scaled it to around 60k+ installs.
  • Built the REST API from scratch using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL.
  • Also worked on the ReactNative app in particular the Redux state management.
  • Implemented custom JWT based authentication module for secure authentication and login system.
  • Integrated ElasticSearch for efficient searching and sorting.

Full Stack Developer at Avalon Labs

From April, 2018 to May, 2019

  • Worked on the development of multiple client projects, including Elune which is an equity and ownership management platform. Built the entire backend from scratch.
  • Integrated payment gateway for multiple services in the company worked on AWS S3
  • Used RSpec to create test driven development.
  • Maintained code quality using Rubocop.

Freelance Web Developer at Accelere Pvt. Ltd.

From October, 2017 to March, 2018

  • Maintained and updated the company's website which was built on Wordpress.

Web Application Developer at TechZombo

From April, 2017 to January, 2018

  • Responsible for handling five end to end website development projects for clients in the course of eight months.


Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering

August 2013 to June 2017 at Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam, India

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Native
  • Hotwire
  • Stimulus
  • Chess
  • Anime
  • Movies